Details in attached file

Strange problem cropping up.  I chain scripts with command sequences for long 
running numerical calculations executed from the initial mintty terminal. 
Running from a non administrative session.  The form is

cd /cygdrive/j/tri60/221-1344c_1.933 221-1344c.mas3.87 221-1344c.baseh.s 221-1344c.mas3.87a 221-1344c.mas3.87.s
sh -v ~xxxx/ &

The sequence runs through one or more of the execution groups and then fails 

xxxx@Dell-Studio ~
$ cd /cygdrive/j/tri60/220-1116c_1.993
-bash: cd: /cygdrive/j/tri60/220-1116c_1.993: No such file or directory

I see the directory in emacs and have full access to it.  From the terminal

xxxx@Dell-Studio ~
$ cd /cygdrive

xxxx@Dell-Studio /cygdrive
$ cd j

xxxx@Dell-Studio /cygdrive/j
$ cd tri60

xxxx@Dell-Studio /cygdrive/j/tri60
$ cd 220-1116c_1.993
-bash: cd: 220-1116c_1.993: No such file or directory

From emacs the dired listings are

  total 84
  dr-xr-xr-x  1 xxxx          None           0 Feb 24 16:12 .
  drwxr-xr-x+ 1 Qyyy       None           0 Jun  4  2018 ..
  drwxrwx---+ 1 SYSTEM       SYSTEM         0 Feb 24 15:58 c
  drwxrwx---+ 1 SYSTEM       SYSTEM         0 Feb 23 14:42 d
  drwxr-x---+ 1 Qyyy       None           0 Feb  2 23:45 h
  drwsrwsrwx+ 1 Qyyy       None           0 Feb 24 15:48 j
  drwxrwxr-x  1 Unix_User+0  Unix_Group+0   0 Feb 23 14:53 u
  drwxrwxr-x  1 Unix_User+0  Unix_Group+0   0 Mar  7  2019 v
  drwxrwxr-x  1 Unix_User+0  Unix_Group+0   0 Feb  8 15:48 w
  drwxrwxr-x  1 Unix_User+48 Unix_Group+100 0 Apr 22  2021 x
  drwxrwxrwx  1 Unix_User+48 Unix_Group+100 0 Jun  4  2021 z

The listing for /cygdrive/j/tri60 is

  total used in directory 3569 available 601771488
  drwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx    None        0 Feb 24 16:29 .
  drwsrwsrwx+ 1 Qyyy None        0 Feb 24 15:48 ..
  drwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Jun 25  2012 207-1120c_2.2-kvi
  drwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 May  9  2012 208-1539c_2.2-kvi
  -rw-rw-rw-+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM     39 Nov 24 23:27 212-1513c.len59.619ac.m
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Feb 22 22:45 212-1513c_1.642
  -rwxrwxr--+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM 181056 Feb 22 11:08 212-1513c_1.642.xlsx
  -rwxrwxr--+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM 179379 Apr 10  2012 214-0925_1.642.xlsx
  drwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Apr  9  2012 214-0925_1.642-kvi
  drwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx    None        0 Jan 31 15:55 214-1010c_1.642
  -rwxrwxr--+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM 203825 Feb  8 09:17 214-1010c_1.642.xlsx
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Feb  7 15:33 219-1048c_1.933
  drwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx    None        0 Feb 24 15:53 220-1116c_1.933
  -rwxrwxr--+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM 160531 Feb 23 15:03 220-1116c_1.933.xlsx
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Feb  7 15:30 221-1344c_1.933
  -rwxrwxr--+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM 160451 Feb 22 11:25 221-1344c_1.933.xlsx
  drwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 May 11  2012 229-1500c_2.63-kvi
  drwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 May  9  2012 229-1530c_2.63-kvi
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Feb  7 15:32 230-c_2.63
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Feb  7 15:31 232-1520c_3.11
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Feb  7 15:31 234-0911c_3.11
  -rwxrwxr--+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM 153152 Mar  8  2012 269-1020c_1.396.xlsx
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Jan 22 07:57 270-1055c_1.396
  ----rwxr--+ 1 xxxx    None   192601 Jan 16 21:09 270-1055c_1.396.xlsx
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Dec 29 13:48 270-1310_1.396
  -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx    None   195249 Jan 24 12:54 270-1310_1.396.xlsx
  drwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx    SYSTEM      0 Jan 11 23:55 271-1405c_1.396
  -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx    None   175723 Jan 24 12:55 271-1405c_1.396.xlsx

The dired initial elements of the directory of interest

  total used in directory 5289808 available 601772000
  drwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx            None        0 Feb 24 15:53 .
  drwxrwxrwx+ 1 xxxx            None        0 Feb 23 15:03 ..
  drwxrwsrwx+ 1 xxxx            None        0 Feb 21 01:19 0.65
  -rwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx            None  1943788 Jan 30 06:00 212-1513c.basea.s
  -rwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx            None    86340 Feb 23 06:21 220-1116c.bas0.00.log
  -rw-rw-rw-+ 1 xxxx            None    14263 Feb 22 22:18 220-1116c.bas0.00.m
  -rwxrwxr-x+ 1 xxxx            None  1455095 Feb 23 06:21 220-1116c.bas0.00.o

Started Cygwin as an administrator

Qyyy@Dell-Studio ~
sh -v ~xxxx/ &

$ #!/bin/bash
cd /cygdrive/j/tri60/220-1116c_1.993
/home/xxxx/ line 2: cd: /cygdrive/j/tri60/220-1116c_1.993: No such file 
or directory

Shutdown Cygwin and did a restart of Windows 10 home problems still exist.  
Updated Cygwin.

Problems still exist.

Problems also occur on a new system with Windows 10 pro and fresh Cygwin 
install.  If I make the desired directory the working directory in emacs and 
use the emacs command feature to execute the script, it works. The cd command 
fails but since it is in the proper directory the files are available for the 
rest of the script.

cd /cygdrive/j/tri60/221-1344c_1.642
/home/xxx/ line 2: cd: /cygdrive/j/tri60/221-1344c_1.642: No such file 
or directory 221-1344c.mas3.71 221-1344c.mas3.83a.s
           cd /cygdrive/j/tri60/221-1344c_1.642
                                               /home/xxx/ line 2: cd: 
1344c_1.642: No such file or directory

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