On 2020-03-02 23:08, Robert McBroom via cygwin wrote:
> Details in attached file

You most likely have Windows permissions problems, if all your tools are Cygwin.

Run which on each tool to see what you are actually running, and run cygcheck to
ensure they use cygwin1.dll.

You need to run against all components of the path to any failing directory:

        $ ls -dl DIR
        $ getfacl DIR
        $ icacls  "$(cygpath -m ""DIR"")"       [Windows command]

and see what the permissions problem is: pay particular attention to the owner
and group, and the R[ead], X//list/search, and I[nherited] access permissions.

You do not say what your user id is and group memberships are (run id to find
out) but the failing directories have groups None or SYSTEM so if your user id
does not match, you may have limited access, and inherited access for other than
owner and admins excludes write, unless you have additional custom Windows ACLs.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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