On 4/21/2020 8:33 AM, Mark Hansen wrote:
I have a Windows 10 laptop, on which I installed Cygwin. I always log into the 
machine using
my corporate domain account. When I log into the machine from my office, 
everything Cygwin
works fine.

When I log into my laptop from home (which I'm working from home for a while 
now, due to
COVID-19), I still log in using my corporate domain account, but Cygwin acts 

Here is my user id (from the id command) when I log in from the office:

uid=1293438(Mark.Hansen) gid=1049089(Domain Users) ...

Here is the same when I've logged in with the machine at home:

uid=1293438(MAN+User(244862)) gid=1293438

(MAN) is the domain.

The actual problem I'm having is that Cygwin tools like ssh, git, etc. can't 
find my .ssh
directory. They are looking in "/" rather than my home directory.

I tried copying my .ssh directory from my home to "/" and although it was 
created, the
files have the wrong permissions and I'm unable to change them.

Is there something I can tweak to get Cygwin to understand which user I am so 
the ssh
stuff can start working again?

Thanks for any help.

To answer a question posed by someone to my private e-mail:

I didn't have the HOME environment variable set at first. When the PC is at my 
Cygwin worked fine. When I took the PC home and logged in there, I had severe 
issues - I wasn't able to open a Cygwin Terminal or an XTerm terminal - it 
seemed it
didn't know where my HOME directory was.

As a result, I set my HOME directory in the environment settings for my user. 
Once I
did that, I was able to use the Cygwin Terminal and XTerm terminals again.

The only thing that is still not working (as far as I can see) is any ssh 
client which
needs to find the .ssh directory (like ssh or git, etc.).

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