On 6/21/2020 1:56 PM, Thorsten Kampe wrote:

I'm experiencing the issue described here[1]: files and folders
created with Cygwin utilities like touch and mkdir have an
incorrect ACL ("The access control list (ACL) structure is
invalid (os error 1336)").

icacls test.txt /verify
test.txt: Ace entries not in canonical order.

Interestingly the issue does not occur with files created in
the user's Cygwin home directory but - for instance - in the
Documents folder of the user's Windows profile.

This is a fresh Cygwin installation on a test system. Has
anyone found a solution?

[1] http://cygwin.1069669.n5.nabble.com/Issues-with-ACL-

This is normal, and has to do with how Cygwin arranges to model,
within the Windows ACL permissions system, some features of the
Posix permissions system. Don't "fix" the ACLs - that can make
the Posix functionality break.  While the entries are not in
canonical order, they work fine :-) ...

If you dig deeper into the Cygwin documentation on permissions
handling you can read all the gory details ...

Regards - Eliot Moss
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