On 6/22/2020 2:08 PM, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> * Andrey Repin (Mon, 22 Jun 2020 20:20:35 +0300)
>>> icacls test.txt /verify
>>> test.txt: Ace entries not in canonical order.
>> This is normal. All conformant drivers MUST be able to correctly process such
>> ACL's. "Non-canonical" does not mean "invalid".
> `lsd` reports an error ("os error 1336"). But that might simply
> be a result of the "non canonical order".

I agree; lsd seems to be being overly picky, not that you personally
can do much about that.

>>> Interestingly the issue does not occur with files created in
>>> the user's Cygwin home directory but - for instance - in the
>>> Documents folder of the user's Windows profile.
>>> This is a fresh Cygwin installation on a test system. Has
>>> anyone found a solution?
>>> [1] http://cygwin.1069669.n5.nabble.com/Issues-with-ACL-settings-after-updating-to-the-latest-cygwin-dll-td124123.html

>> Needs more specifics.
>> How did you set your fstab, particularly cygdrive prefix? Any extra mounts?
>> How did you modify nsswitch?
> As I wrote, it's a "fresh Cygwin installation on a test
> system" that means the phenomennon is observable directly after
> the installation.
> I did some testing: files created in the user's home directory
> (/home/Administrator), the home directory (/home) and other sub
> directories don't show the issue.
> If I create a file or directory directly under / or anywhere
> else on the drive, the issue occurs.
> If that would be the case on my main workstation, I would be
> fine with that. Unfortunately on my main workstation the issue
> occurs everywhere.

Maybe you took Andre slightly literally; rephrasing, what are your current
fstab and nsswitch contents?  I would also ask, what do icacls and getfacl
show on your / directory (the some that is the root of the hierarchy where
things aren't working for you)?  It could be that fixing some entry there,
and recursively, will get you to a good state.

Regards - Eliot Moss
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