On 12/6/2020 6:45 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 12/6/2020 5:41 PM, Johnathan Schneider via Cygwin wrote:
Hi all,

I'm setting up a cross platform development environment using Cygwin. Upon attempting to use Cygwin's CMake that is natively bundled, I discovered that Cygwin goes looking for the gcc in /usr/bin/cc, a folder that does not exist according to windows. I have familiarized myself with the Cygwin way of organizing it's folders, seen here https://cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.using.shortcuts and https://cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.using.directory-structure and thus I know that Cygwin's /usr/bin folder is in fact /bin - according to windows, anyways. However, I'm not familiar with how to work around that on windows. In particular, virtually all of my IDEs' attempts to call CMake fail, because I proceed to ask it to call the gcc and windows, as is explained in the above FAQ's, does not recognize the Cygwin-way of referencing folders.

Alas, my question - what is the recommended workaround?

It's hard to answer this question without knowing exactly what your IDE is doing.  Can you give a detailed recipe for reproducing the problem without using an IDE?  In general, Cygwin's CMake should have no problem executing /usr/bin/cc unless something is interfering with Cygwin's normal path handling routines.

My guess: Your IDE is Windows based, and it is unlikely to play well with Cygwin. It probably expects Windows paths, etc. MinGW might gives Unix-like tools that work better for you, or you can find Windows based CMake, C compilers, etc.

With some effort, you _might_ get the IDEA to invoke the Cygwin program by giving the full Windows path to it, but /usr/bin/cc is going to expect Cygwin format paths, which a Windows based IDE won't know anything about ...

My guess could be wrong, of course!

Regards - Eliot Moss
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