On 2020/12/06 14:41, Johnathan Schneider via Cygwin wrote:
Hi all,

I'm setting up a cross platform development environment using Cygwin. Upon 
attempting to use Cygwin's CMake that is natively bundled, I discovered that 
Cygwin goes looking for the gcc in /usr/bin/cc,
   If you go into 'bash' under cygwin, what do you see in /usr/bin?
/usr/bin is only a valid path inside programs that are running on cygwin --
if you run programs outside of cygwin, say directly from Windows, they won't see

   Cmake would likely be in the same folder as gcc.  How are you invoking
Cmake? If you are running cmake from, say, the cygwin path of /bin (assuming you have cygwin installed at C:\ and have your cygwin mount prefix set to '/'.
In bash, type mount -p and you should see something like:
 mount -p

Prefix Type Flags / user binmode

Just like windows has various magic folders that show up under explorer, but
don't really exist, cygwin does too, but only cygwin utils see the

FWIW, /bin from a cygwin install is mounted (within cygwin) on /usr/bin, so
the contents should be the same.

   If you want to make use of windows+cygwin at the same time, it's best
to install cygwin at 'C:\' and set you mount prefix like I have above, then
you will get more commonality between windows+cygwin.  For example, to make
/usr/bin appear under window, I have a symlink at C:/usr/bin that points to

Under windows, a 'dir' of C:\usr will show (from cmd.exe, some lines removed
for brevity):
C:\Users\linda>dir \usr
Volume in drive C is System Disk

Directory of C:\usr

2020/05/17  17:11    <DIR>          .
2020/05/17  17:11    <DIR>          ..
2018/05/19  09:42    <SYMLINKD>     bin [..\bin]
2020/10/07  09:35    <DIR>          include
2018/05/19  09:41    <SYMLINKD>     lib [..\lib]
2018/05/17  11:20    <SYMLINKD>     lib64 [..\lib]
2020/12/06  23:25    <SYMLINKD>     sbin [..\sbin]
2020/11/03  20:38    <DIR>          share
2020/10/07  08:37    <DIR>          src
2020/05/17  17:11    <DIR>          x86_64-pc-cygwin
              0 File(s)              0 bytes
             17 Dir(s)  150,639,538,176 bytes free

Alas, my question - what is the recommended workaround?
   Look for cygwin paths from a cygwin shell.  That's the start.
Making win+cyg play nice, involves little bits like symlinks
like I used above.  It's not officially supported by the cygwin, but
I find such things convenient.

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