On Thursday, February 4, 2021 1:13 PM Daniel Röhrborn wrote:
>I have this issue on three different PCs (Win7_32bit, 2x Win10_64bit) with the 
>latest Cygwin installer.
>I installed Cygwin gcc/g++/gdb. Compiler works but gdb doesn't output anything 
>when started. It seems to have blocked right after start. What could cause 
>this behaviour?
>When I downgrade to gdb version 7.10.1-1 it works normally and outputs its 
>startup message.
>But with any higher version (7.12.1-2, 8.0.1-1, 8.1.1-1, 8.2.1-1, 8.3.1-1, 
>9.2-1, 10.1-1) I get no output at all. The process hangs forever. Running GDB 
>from the Cygwin Terminal also doesn't help.
>Since nobody else seems to have similar problems, I think it could be a 
>configuration problem.

I had a similar problem recently. Anything newer than 7.10.1-1 doesn't work for 
me with very similar results as yours. gdb -v doesn't output anything. The 
hypothesis was it is BLODA related but I can't test that. I cannot deactivate 
any McAfee stuff here. I just live with 7.10.1-1 as it is currently good enough 
for my purposes. Check the archive of about two or three weeks ago.
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