I'll just throw out the obvious "is it plugged in" type question... but,
are we to assume you have a fully functional X Server and Client working on
your Cygwin install? Any particular desktop/window manager? Have you tried
others? Did you compile it yourself, or did you install the package
directly from the distro?

Sorry, sometimes the "oops" questions can help... and, it helps those
interested in reproducing it. (but, I will confess I didn't actually go
READ the bug - which, admittedly, is another "is it plugged in" type
query... LOL)


On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 3:13 AM Friedrich Romstedt via Cygwin <
cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Some months ago (in August 2021) I tried using ImageTk in Python on
> Cygwin and stumbled over a dysfunction.  To help tracking down the
> issue I wrote up an HTML document and uploaded it to
> https://github.com/friedrichromstedt/bughunting-02.  There is a
> minimal Test Case included in this github repo.
> I updated my whole Cygwin installation just this moment and found the
> behaviour unchanged with respect to what I've observed that time.
> Any pointer would be very much appreciated.
> Best,
> Friedrich
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Russell M. Van Tassell <russel...@gmail.com>

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