
This worked fine with Cygwin 3.2.0 but is broken starting with Cygwin 3.3.0, 
hence I think it is a Cygwin bug and not a ninja bug.

When running Cygwin applications under Windows native 'ninja.exe' build tool 
(not the Cygwin packaged one) then the stdout is not emitted to the console 
starting with Cygwin 3.3.0. It worked fine with Cygwin 3.2.0 and stdout is 
emitted to the console. If using Cygwin ninja with 3.3.0 it also works. The 
problem is with Windows native ninja and Cygwin programs with Cygwin version 
3.3.0 and later.

Using Cygwin ninja is not an option for us as a solution. We need to use the 
Windows native ninja for reasons that I won't go into here.

To reproduce the issue:

1) Download windows native ninja from here: 
   a. Use ninja-win.zip that has the ninja.exe executable
   b. DO NOT USE the Cygwin version of ninja

2) Below is a sample build.ninja file that demonstrates the problem. This 
sample build.ninja simply causes bash -help to run. Create this build.ninja 
text file in some directory.

3) cd to the directory where you have the build.ninja, and then run the native 
ninja.exe, you won't see the bash --help output with Cygwin 3.3.0 and later.
  a. I suggesting using -v option with ninja.exe: "path/to/native/ninja.exe -v"

4) If you try it with Cygwin 3.2.0 it works fine you will see the bash --help 

5) If you run c:/cygwin64/bin/bash --help outside of ninja it works fine.

6) This happens if you run the native ninja.exe from either a command window or 
from the Cygwin/minty/bash

Here is the sample build.ninja to be used to reproduce the problem:

--------start build.ninja --------------
  command = $COMMAND
  description = $DESC

build MC5U_BMDCO6_versions.txt: CUSTOM_COMMAND
  COMMAND = c:/cygwin64/bin/bash --help
  DESC = Running bash --help
  restat = 1
--------end build.ninja --------------

Thanks for having a look.

Rob Bresalier

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  • Console output broken i... Bresalier, Rob (Nokia - US/Murray Hill) via Cygwin

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