On 2022-01-20 13:24, Lavrentiev, Anton wrote:
There should be only one of them running, unless you have multiple Cygwin 
then there can be per-installation instances.  Restart of all Cygwin processes 
was always
required (because the main DLL may not be properly replaced while it's in use by
any process) -- but a reboot usually took care of that quite well...

Honestly, this was new for me, too.  Formerly, install with a following reboot 
was all I needed
to do (since I'm not a power user on my work PC, that was the only way for me to 
the service, anyways).  But now the reboot alone does not seem to help anymore: 
looks like
Win10 loads up services in a different (fast) fashion, like a wake-up from 
So an explicit restart of cygserver is now required (and now I have to ask 
to do that for me at work -- sigh).

I have modified my Cygwin services definitions to do Delayed Autostart and Preshutdown, with appropriate Windows service and inter-dependencies, shut them down and restart them in local scheduled tasks run under SYSTEM account on appropriate events and on demand, and restart them in a late local permanent postinstall script /etc/postinstall/zp_z0_l_start_services.dash after setup.

Some combination of these techniques may allow your sysadmin to set things up for you to control these services without their intervention.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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