On 2022-01-26 07:50, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Brian Inglis!

restart them in a late local permanent postinstall script
/etc/postinstall/zp_z0_l_start_services.dash after setup.

It never occured to me that I can use postinstall tasks to restart services :D

Just add a line

for svc in cygserver $( cygrunsrv --list | grep -v cygserver ); do net start 
"$svc"; done

and you're golden!

To avoid conflicts you may first want to stop some Windows services using first sc, then net as backup:

for srv in      ssh ssh-agent sshbroker sshproxy        \
                sshd sshdbroker sshdproxy               \
                vmictimesysnc w32time # for GPS ref Windows NTP server
        sc stop         $srv
        sleep 1
        net stop        $srv

then start all Cygwin services using cygrunsrv, then sc, then net to be more sure:

for srv in $(cygrunsrv -L)
        cygrunsrv -S    $srv
        sleep 1
        sc start        $srv
        sleep 1
        net start       $srv

with suitable checks, messages, and logging added.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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