Sorry, I just want to ask the author first. I don't know this rule. Sorry.

After installing (or updating) through the GUI, the program will finally have 
two check boxes to choose whether to create shortcuts, and the default status 
of these two check boxes is checked. I just want to know how to cancel this 
default behavior.
I want to know where this behavior is written in the setup program source code.

Fxzx mic

发件人: Marco Atzeri<mailto:marco.atz...@gmail.com>
发送时间: 2022年1月31日 14:25
收件人: cygwin@cygwin.com<mailto:cygwin@cygwin.com>
抄送: fxzx...@outlook.com<mailto:fxzx...@outlook.com>
主题: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: setup (2.917)

On 31.01.2022 06:36, © Fxzx mic wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to know how to change the default value of the check boxes when 
> creating a program shortcut after installation so that it is no longer 
> checked by default.
> Which part of the program needs to be changed?


bottom posting on this mailing list, please.

Can you please clarify with an example ?
Which shortcut do you mean ?

Maybe you should look on the Command Line options for already available
options :

$ ./setup-x86_64.exe --help
Cygwin setup 2.917

Command Line Options:

  -d --no-desktop                   Disable creation of desktop shortcut


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