On 5/23/22 11:47, Lee wrote:
On 5/22/22, David Christensen wrote:
On 5/21/22 10:55, Hans-Bernhard Bröker wrote:
Am 18.05.2022 um 03:53 schrieb David Christensen:

  > I am working on a Perl module that runs on various Unix-like platforms.
  > When I 'make test' on similar computers:
  > FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE         28 wallclock secs
  > Debian GNU/Linux 11.3          31 wallclock secs
  > macOS 11.6.2              36 wallclock secs
  > Windows 7 / Cygwin 3.3.5-1    509 wallclock secs

I was hoping there was a known issue.

What I consider a well known issue is that process start up time is
_very_ slow.  If your  'make test' starts lots of processes that could
be a problem.

[Replying to off-list message.]

Thank you for the reply.

'make test' starts a large number of processes -- perhaps a thousand.

Another huge slowdown is Windows Defender.  Try turning that off and
seeing how long your 'make test' takes then.

Of all the test scripts, 02-compile.t consumes the most time on all platforms.

Using 02-compile.t as a benchmark, here is the compile time with Windows Defender enabled:

$ time perl -Ilib t/02-compile.t
real    2m1.404s
user    3m20.490s
sys     4m24.476s

Here is the compile time with Windows Defender disabled:

$ time perl -Ilib t/02-compile.t
real    1m56.606s
user    3m14.374s
sys     4m20.106s

Both of the above tests were run in Cygwin64 Terminal. Using Debian and SSH:

$ time perl -Ilib t/02-compile.t
real    1m18.733s
user    2m32.187s
sys     2m29.652s

So, Cygwin64 Terminal is also a problem.

In all cases, Resource Monitor indicates the script is CPU bound.


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