David Christensen writes:
> I have a computer:
> 2022-05-17 18:46:12 dpchrist@dht4s3r1 ~/src/perl/Dpchrist-Perl
> $ systeminfo | egrep '^OS (Name|Version)' ; uname -a ; cygcheck -c cygwin
> OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
> OS Version:                6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1 dht4s3r1 3.3.5(0.341/5/3) 2022-05-13 12:27 x86_64 Cygwin
> Cygwin Package Information
> Package              Version        Status
> cygwin               3.3.5-1        OK

Nothing of which tells me very much, except that you're using a Windows
version that is out of support.  None of what you show is likely to
explain the problem you're seeing, though.

> I am working on a Perl module that runs on various Unix-like
> platforms. When I 'make test' on similar computers:
> FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE           28 wallclock secs
> Debian GNU/Linux 11.3          31 wallclock secs
> macOS 11.6.2                   36 wallclock secs
> Windows 7 / Cygwin 3.3.5-1    509 wallclock secs

Which again gives no usable information.

> A few months ago, I seem to recall that Cygwin was about 4 times
> slower.   Now it is over 14 times slower.

So what's the difference between the two environments other than "a few

Cygwin Perl was last updated in August 2021 and there haven't been any
changes in how fast it builds and tests modules that I have been able to
detect since (or even compared to the previous version of Perl).  A
slowdown of at least a factor of three (based on your vague assertion
above) would have been noticed quickly as I compare both the results and
the build/test times for each package build I do.  The build times on
the CI (for the same package across the last two or three years)
independently confirm that observation.  Note that this also rules out a
general slowdown in compilation speed (both gcc and binutils did get
updates in this timeframe).  However, I can not rule out that different
choice of defaults and/or changes in the optimization engines could have
had the effect you're seeing in very specific instances.

> Is this expected?  If not, how do I find the bottleneck?

It seems you're the only one who can provide the information necessary
to make that determination.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

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