On 2022-12-13 18:54, Jon Turney via Cygwin wrote:
On 13/12/2022 16:35, Frank Redeker via Cygwin wrote:

I tried to install in fresh VM without success. (No AV installed and the Windows Firewall is off)

2022/12/13 17:04:55 net: Direct
Cached mirror list unavailable
User-Agent: default is "Cygwin-Setup/2.924 (Windows NT 10.0.18362;Win64;0407;SymLinkPriv)" 2022/12/13 17:05:25 connection error: 12057 fetching https://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst
2022/12/13 17:05:25 mbox note: Could not download mirror sites list
Defaulting to empty mirror list

The meaning of the 12057 error isn't clear, but it seems to mean you are behind a proxy, which isn't co-operating. (See e.g. [1])

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2022-February/250814.html

You could work around the inability to fetch the mirror list (the only piece of information setup tries to get from cygwin.com), by explicitly specifying one from [2]

[2]  https://cygwin.com/mirrors.html



Indicates that revocation cannot be checked because the revocation server was offline (equivalent to CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE).


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