On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 9:35 AM Brian Inglis <brian.ing...@shaw.ca> wrote:
> On 2023-08-13 11:40, Martin Wege via Cygwin wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 12:53 AM Roland Mainz via Cygwin wrote:
> >> On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 7:38 AM KAVALAGIOS Panagiotis (EEAS) via Cygwin 
> >> wrote:
> >>>> On Sat, Jul 29, 2023 at 6:18 AM Roland Mainz wrote:
> >>>>> Is there an official way to enter the Cygwin command line (e.g. bash
> >>>>> login) from Windows cmd.exe, e.g. if someone ssh's into a Windows
> >>>>> machine he/she ends/up in a cmd.exe and not bash...
> >>> You may run your favourite shell from the bin directory of your Cygwin 
> >>> installation:
> >>> "C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe"
> >>> "C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin\tcsh.exe"
> >>> replace " C:\Program Files" with your target Cygwin installation 
> >>> directory root.
> >> Turns out my problem was simply that I forgot that just typing "bash"
> >> only gives me an interactive shell, which sources only the interactive
> >> shell configs (e.g. /etc/ksh.kshrc + ~/.kshrc for ksh93, and
> >> /etc/bash.bashrc + ~/.bashrc for bash), but not the login configs
> >> (e.g. /etc/profile + ~/.profile).
> >> So the simple fix was just to type:
> >> C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login
> >> or
> >> C:\Program Files\Cygwin\bin\ksh93.exe --login
> >> P.S.: Which reminds me - is there a way to contribute a Cygwin ksh93 
> >> package ?
> > We would greatly appreciate a Korn Shell 93 package, preferably with
> > some POSIX builtin commands.
> $ cygcheck -p Korn
> Found 6 matches for Korn
> mksh-53a-1-src - mksh-src: MirBSD Korn Shell (source)
> mksh-54-1-src - mksh-src: MirBSD Korn Shell (source)
> mksh-56c-1-src - mksh-src: MirBSD Korn Shell (source)
> mksh-53a-1 - mksh: MirBSD Korn Shell
> mksh-54-1 - mksh: MirBSD Korn Shell
> mksh-56c-1 - mksh: MirBSD Korn Shell
> https://cygwin.com/packages/summary/mksh-src.html

I know about that, but it has only ksh88 compatibility. What would be
great is the real ksh93, with IEEE754-style floating point math,
compound variables, and regex with ~(X) (egrep with logical AND),
~(E), .sh.match pattern matching facilities.


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