On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 6:05 PM Andrey Repin via Cygwin
<cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> Greetings, Mainz, Roland!
> > Hi!
> > ----
> > The Cygwin installer "setup-x86_64.exe" has problems updating cygwin1.dll 
> > when cygserver is running:
> You should stop ALL Cygwin processes before starting setup.exe.
> This is documented.

This is not helpful. Cygwin setup-x86-64.exe not being able to update,
because SOMETHING is locking cygwin1.dll is in the top 50 of your IT
support, right followed by the question of IT support whether
"updating to WSL" will solve the situation for them permanently.

> > ---- snip ----
> > Unable to extract /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll -- error writing file
> > ---- snip ----
> > The fix is to do a $ sc stop cygserver # as Administrator, then
> > "setup-x86_64.exe" can write to that file, and after "setup" is done do a $ 
> > sc start cygserverr # as Admin again.
> > ... is it possible to modify "setup-x86_64.exe" to stop cygserver before
> > doing the installation process and re-start it after it ?
> There's no reason to do so, as there's no easy way to detect beforehand, if
> you actually need to do so.

sc query cygserver is EASY to detect.

IMO Cygwin needs a serious effort towards
user-friendliness-by-default. Right now Cygwin is a specialist
environment which requires half an university degree to get it
working, and that makes me unhappy because your work is GREAT

> You could have cygserver running from one Cygwin setup but installing to the
> different one. And so on.

Seriously, who has TWO Cygwin setups on one machine? Also, sc query
can handle those cases too.


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