Hi All,

I was updating my Cygwin installation at home and that had accumulated some 
"Unneeded" packages, which were very hard to deal with:

The default disposition is "Keep" (while logically, since they are "safe to be 
removed", it should have been "Uninstall")
so it nearly got me a carpal syndrome to manually click on each of those pesky 
packages to select "Uninstall", individually
(I don't think there's a group update -- I can't "select" more than a single 
line with the mouse);

But that wasn't all!

When I re-ran Setup I still had quite a few of the packages showing up as 
"Unneeded" -- I suppose because they were the
dependencies of some of the packages that had just been removed previously.  I 
took me a dozen of iterations of re-running
Setup, and each time selecting the packages, again, individually, and then 
seeing a fewer left for the next Setup run, etc...

FTR, the most stubborn to go away was the old python stuff...

So I have a question:  from the usability standpoint, can "Uninstall" be the 
default action suggested for the "Unneeded" please?
If Setup cannot figure out the circular dependencies and needs a few rounds 
like in my case, at least the user does not have to
re-click everything every single time!  Or better yet if Setup could do both, 
suggest "Uninstall" and figure out the order of the
package removal so that all the dependencies are satisfied, but that's a 
considerable improvement, and is left as a suggestion.


Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

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  • "Unneeded" packa... Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin

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