On Feb 26 17:34, Dimitry Andric via Cygwin wrote:
> Hi,
> After a recent upgrade of a Cygwin installation, including cygwin1.dll
> (see https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2024-February/255308.html) to
> 3.5.0-1, I now get spurious "error 127" messages from (Cygwin's copy of)
> GNU make 4.4.1-2, when it starts external processes and those external
> processes exit with a zero exit code.
> For example, a very simple Makefile:
> all:
>       cmd /c echo done
> Running this a few times in a Cygwin bash prompt, gives:
> [...]
>   make: *** [Makefile:2: all] Error 127

This is probably what has been fixed for 3.5.1 already in patch
aa73e1152426 ("Cygwin: console: Fix exit code for non-cygwin process.")

For testing, please install the most recent test release
cygwin-3.6.0-0.62.gc2f6c0415501 via the Cygwin installer and try again.


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