On Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:21 AM Corinna Vinschen wrote:

On Mar 19 09:18, Bill Stewart via Cygwin wrote:
> > I'm not sure of the exact scenario that led to the "RtlGetVersion is
> > subject to manifesting" conclusion, but I can't reproduce it.
> You have to create an application with an application manifest not
> supporting your OS.
> For Cygwin apps, this occured when you built, say, an executable under
> Windows 8.1 before Windows 10 support was added to the Cygwin toolchain:
> the manifest linked to the Cygwin executable didn't yet contain a GUID
> entry for Windows 10 support.
> In this case, RtlGetVersion returns an OS version 6.3 even when running
> under the 10.0 kernel.  This behaviour exists back 'til Windows Vista.
> Fortunately Microsoft didn't change the required manifest GUID entry
> since the introduction of Windows 10.  Even Windows 11 is still using
> the same GUID.

Interesting. Thanks for the clarification!


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