On Thu, 30 May 2024, Jon Turney wrote:

On 23/05/2024 15:13, Niklas Edmundsson via Cygwin wrote:


File archive host name:

Official name changes from ftp.acc.umu.se to mirror.accum.se. The old
host name will continue to work for quite some time (years), but new
deployments should move to using a non-acc.umu.se name.  Since we are
lazy sysadmins, we have also registered the ac2.se (ACC=AC^2) domain
and lots of aliases so ftp.ac2.se also works.

If you have references to other acc.umu.se services (for example
www.acc.umu.se), replace the domain part with accum.se (ie

I've updated this in our mirror list.

Hmm. Looking at https://cygwin.com/mirrors.html it seems that our old host name ftp.acc.umu.se is still listed?

Thanks for providing a cygwin mirror.

You're welcome :-)

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {ACC,HPC2N}               |     ni...@accum.se
 "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me"- Buffy

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