Rolf Campbell wrote:

You mean "cygpath -w -p /bin", because he said "I need to determine the native path to the directory containing cygwin1.dll"

He also said he needed to determine this from "outside the Cygwin environment" and I would think that cygpath is inside the Cygwin environment. Think about it. You're in cmd.exe and you want to tell where Cygwin is installed. How can you execute cygpath without knowing where cygpath is? The only way that would work is if Cygwin's bin path is already in PATH and this is not set by default when Cygwin is installed.

Personally I vote for a simple base like registry variable that plainly states where Cygwin was installed. It seems to me to make the most sense to have one globally accessible place where you can find Cygwin's installation path and then you can take it from there. Relying on anything within Cygwin's installation path presupposes that the person knows Cygwin's installation path! But this is just my opinion...

John Morrison wrote:

You didn't say whether you wanted it for a script or exe, for
a script...

cygpath -w -p /

works for me :)


-----Original Message-----
Of John Dallaway
Sent: Wednesday, 26 March 2003 6:33 pm
Subject: Determining the location of a Cygwin installation

I need to determine the location of an existing Cygwin net installation programatically. More precisely, I need to determine the native path to the directory containing cygwin1.dll from outside the Cygwin environment. I could interrogate the registry for mount points, but in the worst case I would have to look under both HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for both the "/bin" and "/" mount points. Is there a more robust method?

John Dallaway

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