On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 12:23:31PM -0800, Andrew DeFaria wrote:
> Elfyn McBratney wrote:
> >But as cgf (the Really Cool Manager) said the registry keys are not to 
> >be relied on as they might not be there forever. 
> Yeah but what I'm saying is that there should be a commitment to at 
> least one registry entry which denotes the [active] installation path of 

This goal could be reached by adding the directory into the PATH.
If this is not done be default using setup.exe (which is not), then you
could add it by hand...
I don't see any problem with this.

If you want to add this behaviour into setup.exe, then PTC IMHO. :-)

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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