(After my -- much too enthusiastic ? -- intrusion over a thread in this mail
list, and an appropriate meeting of the meannes (SIC!), here it is.)

Actually, the patches for having this done are present around since some
time, some at


some others at


Well, applying this patches isn't enough, there's a little trick (as in
http://cygnome2.sourceforge.net/test-patches/README ):  after patching and
configuring the sources, one must 

cp /usr/autotool/devel/bin/libtool .

in the build directory. As those from sourceforge emphasize the
cygwin/xfree86, I didn't pay too much attention there. But glib2, atk & pango compile
OTB, although pango is somehow relatable with X. No problem.
Gtk2+ doesn't really need a patch to compile. For the win32 backend, you
only have to specify the "--with-gdktarget=win32 --with-x=no" to configure. But
there is a problem when compiling the .dll.a for the cyggtk[...].dll. I dunno
why other dll builds don't face, it but I needed to add a


flag to the linking flags (I did it by adding to the
libgtk_win32_2_0_la_LIBADD). Without it, the resulting dll.a contained no symbols.

And you can enjoy the gtk-demo.exe, after.  Well, when it comes to
applications the things become some harder, as those already win32 targeted, are
_WIN32 targeterd, in fact. So to have them compile one must either to balance
__CYGWIN__ with _WIN32 defines (i.e. "#ifdef _WIN32" -> "#if defined(_WIN32) &&
!defined(__CYGWIN__) " )  or contact the authors or other developers. 


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