Hallo S,

Am Freitag, 4. Juli 2003 um 08:29 schriebst du:

> (After my -- much too enthusiastic ? -- intrusion over a thread in this mail
> list, and an appropriate meeting of the meannes (SIC!), here it is.)

> Actually, the patches for having this done are present around since some
> time, some at

> http://cygnome.sourceforge.net/

> some others at

> http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~s01397ms/cygwin/

> Well, applying this patches isn't enough, there's a little trick (as in
> http://cygnome2.sourceforge.net/test-patches/README ):  after patching and
> configuring the sources, one must 

> cp /usr/autotool/devel/bin/libtool .

I do always this before the build:
$ autoreconf --install --force --verbose

this takes also care of missing/outdated helper scripts, also you don't
apply the patches to Maekfile.in but to Makefile.am then.

My glib-2.0 and gtk+-2.0 et.al. are available for download now:



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