On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Samuel Thibault wrote:

> Le sam 19 jui 2003 17:57:20 GMT, Peter A. Castro a tapoté sur son clavier :
> > On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> >
> > > Le sam 19 jui 2003 16:39:19 GMT, Samuel Thibault a tapoté sur son clavier :
> > > > btw, with sh.exe, it works. (but many configure scripts require bash
> > > > _and_ <<)
> > >
> > > and zsh doesn't work, but tcsh works.
> >
> > zsh works for me:
> >
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[105] ~ % vi x
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[106] ~ % cat x
> > #!/bin/zsh
> > cat << EOF
> > foo
> > EOF
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[107] ~ % zsh x
> > foo
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[108] ~ % chmod a+rx x
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED])[109] ~ % ./x
> > foo
> Neither works for us, typing it at a zsh prompt doesn't either. But we
> are not Administrator, we only have the access to our "Documents and
> Settings", things like c:\temp, and a big samba share.

Just for fun, I also ran this from the Guest account, which has absolutely no
priviledges at all, and it ran without any errors there too.  I've run this
from an NTFS mounted filesystem as well as a FAT filesystem.  The only
thing I haven't tried it using a network user account or a network share.

> > This may be a textmode vs binmode thing?
> I tested mounting both in text and binmode, no better.

I think it's time you gave us more information about your machine

> Regards,
> Samuel Thibault

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