Le ven 01 aoû 2003 11:41:51 GMT, Michael Herstine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a tapoté sur son 
clavier :
> I'm interested in whether or not you ever resolved this issue (since
> I'm experiencing the same thing!).  The thread on the cygwin mailing
> list never closed ...

It actually did, but not clearly. To sum it up: the real error message
was 'An unexpected network error occurred' (pretty useful, isn't it :)),
as Larry Hall pointed out. Indeed the whole cygwin tree is mounted from
S:\ which is actually connected to \\lvsmb\softeleves, which is as samba
share. Hence /tmp would be on the samba share. Just mounting c:\temp on
/tmp solved everything (and I'm not sure there's better solutions

Samuel Thibault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows] System -> Repartitioning Disk for Linux...
(By [EMAIL PROTECTED], Christopher Browne)

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