On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 12:20:04PM +0100, Elfyn McBratney wrote:
> Where I was working at the time, they we're afraid of "free software".  Some
> people, eh?
Actually, that kind of fear is probably more common that you thingk: where I 
work, people are afraid of free software too, for two reasons: licensing ("Am
I obliged to liberate my software because I use grep in one of the setup 
scripts?") and quality assurance ("At least there's a big company behind it
that has the (legal) responsability for the quality of the program..")

The fact that the quality of FSF software such as gcc is often a lot better 
than the Microsoft-equivalent (MSVC) doesn't seem to bother them much..

One man's constant is another man's variable.
                -- A.J. Perlis

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