On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 06:46:59PM -0700, Shankar Unni wrote:
> Ronald Landheer-Cieslak wrote:
> > ("At least there's a big company behind it
> > that has the (legal) responsability for the quality of the program..")

> What legal responsibility? I hope you have pointed these fine folks to
> the appropriate sections of the so-called "License Agreements" (i.e. "we
> agree that you will accept these terms, or you won't use the program"),
> which specifically shirks all responsibility for any and all mayhem
> caused by the program..
You'd be amazed how important "responsability" is in France but yes, I've 
pointed out the lack of legal responsibility.. The thing is, it's very 
important (here, in France) to be able to say "I had nothing to do with it - 
I swear!"..


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But it's very funny -- did you ever try buying them without money?
                -- Ogden Nash

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