On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On reflection, the code above (which I happened to have written) didn't
> look right to me, so I did a little digging.  I think I was either
> confused when I wrote it or I'm confused now.  Assuming, as always, that
> I'm less confused now than I was then (an assumption I probably made
> when I made my change in September), I've semi-reverted this code to a
> state that somewhat mirrors what it used to look like last September and
> am regenning a snapshot now.  It will be interesting to see if this
> solves the problem or not.

It seems to work fine with rxvt and XTerm (like in 1.5.5) using
the cygwin1.dll from CVS.

Rafael, I'd give you a gold star if I could !

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