Hallo Fabrice,

Am Samstag, 28. Februar 2004 um 13:38 schriebst du:

> Hallo Gerrit,

> thanks for your help. I think I will now use your compiled libs instead of
> those provided by the MYSQL installer.

> I still have a couple question if I want to recompile myself the 
> libraries:

> 1) as I understand, the mysqlclient.a are compiled from the MYSQL source
> tree


> 2) where does the cygmysqlclient.dll library come from? Is it also
> compiled from the MYSQL source tree?

Yes, this is the shared library which is created from the MySQL
sources, the libmysqlclient.a is the static archive created from the
same sources and the libmysqlclient.dll.a is the import library used
to link executables against the shared runtime library.

> 3) if I want to ship my MYSQL client that has been linked with 
> libmysqlclient.a, I need cygwin.dll because my client is compiled under
> cygwin. If I am right I need to ship also cygmysqlclient.dll. Since the
> customer will have MYSQL installed, I am afraid that there could be a
> conflict with HIS libMySQL.dll, is that possible?

If you link against the static archive (libmysqlclient.a), you won't
need the DLL, if you link with `-L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient`, the
import library (libmysqlclient.dll.a) is picked at first by the linker
and the executable is finally linked against the shared library.
There should be no conflicts.  To be safe, tell your users that you
deliver a cygwin1.dll and that it is not possible to use two Cygwin
runtime libraries at the same time.


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