Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

Hallo Fabrice,

Am Sonntag, 29. Februar 2004 um 12:11 schriebst du:

Hallo Gerrit,

thanks a lot for your help, now I have it working properly, with a statically
linked client and I only need to tell users to use the cygwin1.dll.

I only had to do a small work-around because my client keeps telling me
that it
"cannot connect through /var/mysql/mysql.sock". The workaround is
to use mysql_real_connect with host= because if I use
"localhost" it turns to named pipes instead of using TCP. Any idea why it
is that way?

No, sorry. It never worked with TCP/IP when using host=localhost, I always use the IP address of the host where the server is running, only exception is when I use the Cygwin-MySQL server running at my local box where it also works via /var/mysql/mysql.sock.


Well, I wonder how the "mysql" client manage to connect: for instance the client
which is compiled in you binaries doesnt work (i.e. "cannot connet throuch socket....")
while the mysql clientprovided in Mysql-4.0.18 for windows work.


Fabrice Marchal [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] +41-(0)1-632-56-79
ETH Zurich, CoLab Computational Laboratory FAX:+41-(0)1-632-17-03

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