Brian Ford wrote:

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Andy Rushton wrote:

The really odd thing is that I have another PC at home with the same
version of XP, same update status and as far as I can tell, the same
install of Cygwin and I have no problems.

Are you sure about the "same update status" part? The following would
imply that a "Windows Update" will fix your problem. Could you try it and
report back?

Good question. Okay, I'm on XP, not 2k as the other correspondent is. Nevertheless I have fallen into the trap of not checking what's *really* happening rather than what MS say is happening. My computer here - the one that was getting the error - is supposed to be on auto-update. That's what the settings say it is. However, I found that a manual update found 5 'critical' (whatever that means) updates that hadn't been installed. Installing them appears to have made the problem go away.

Oh, I do so love Windoze.

Andy Rushton, Southampton, UK

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