> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Andy Rushton
> Sent: 07 April 2004 10:36

>  My computer 
> here - the 
> one that was getting the error - is supposed to be on auto-update. 
> That's what the settings say it is. However, I found that a manual 
> update found 5 'critical' (whatever that means) updates that 
> hadn't been 
> installed. Installing them appears to have made the problem go away.
> Oh, I do so love Windoze.

It's always worth double-checking your firewall settings when something like
this happens.  If you use a PFW it's all too easy to be working away and up
pops a little requester saying something like "Can Generic Hosts and
Services executable connect to the internet?" and without thinking to go
"Nahh, dam M$ spyware trying to phone home again" and block it without
realising that was your auto-update service trying to do its job.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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