Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 07:54 AM 5/8/2004, you wrote:
> >"Do not feed the trolls."  
> Which troll is that?

Oh, I just assumed that was what you considered me.

> While I respect your right to voice your opinions here, the reason I
> responded was that I didn't want anyone to misconstrue your opinion
> as some policy of this list.  Although I expect there wouldn't be
> too much confusion about your response, I thought it better to be
> clear than to leave something like this to question.

Yeah, when I call a group's behavior "idiotic", lots of people assume
I speak for that group.  Good thing you cleared that up.  Nice work.

> And if that's what works for you, that's what you should do.
> However, the previously stated stance for this list is to enforce
> the license without exception.

Oh, I am quite familiar with your stance.  It is what I was calling

This is my last post on this thread.  To summarize it briefly:

You tried to justify your stance by claiming that you are not just
being assholes ("mean", whatever), but rather that it is a legal
necessity.  I believe that is false, so I asked, "Where did you get
this idea?"  You gave no answer, which pretty much speaks for itself.


 - Pat

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