"Do not feed the trolls."  I honestly did not expect any replies; I
hate these discussions as much as anybody.  I will keep this brief.

Larry Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Then your gripe is with the GPL.  The point is, whether you agree
> with all the tenants of the license or not, you cannot selectively
> apply it based on your own interpretation or preferences. Doing so
> renders the license unenforceable for every situation, because the
> license doesn't discriminate.

Where did you get this idea?

I am not a lawyer.  But according to my friend who specializes in
intellectual property, selective enforcement does NOT weaken your
license.  As copyright holder, you may grant different licenses to
different people or enforce a single license as whimsically as you
like.  These are copyrights, not trademarks.

Of course, if your own lawyer says differently, you should follow his

 - Pat

P.S.  Yes, yes, everybody should respect the license without
exception.  But that is irrelevant to the point.  Everybody should do
lots of things.  You cannot fix them all; you have to prioritize...

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