Eduardo Chappa wrote:

> :)  It's just like HTML email - can I read it?  Yes.  Do I want it in my
> :) inbox?  Heck no.  Just because you can do something doesn't mean you
> :) should.
> Yes, you should read the definition of SHOULD in an RFC, did you do it,
> no. Next time look for a better argument to support your point.

Nowhere did I claim that SHOULD was equivalent to MUST.  And yes I know
the difference.

My point was simply that if a RFC describes a normative procedure then
that lends weight to the argument that if at all possible, you should do
it that way.  Read my last line again, "Just because you can do
something [send emails with long lines] doesn't mean you should [because
the standards ask that you not]".


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