> As a person who regularly uses HTML style email and posting 
> (much to many peoples chargrin and complaints) I rarely 
> "fester" them with "all" 
> sorts of colors and fonts. Other HTML emails and posts I 
> receive are also rarely "festered" with all sorts of colors 
> and fonts. Why? Because doing so takes time, knowledge and 
> effort and most people simply don't take the time, have the 
> knowledge nor can be bothered with the effort required. As 
> such I don't think such an argument holds much water. IOW I 
> think if people of your opinion see just one bolding they'll 
> call it "festered with all sorts of colors and fonts".

There's three reasons people knee-jerk against HTML email:

1.  It isn't ASCII (i.e. the "Back in my day a child would open up a gift
and within seconds he'd either burst into flames or lose a limb! That's the
way it was and we liked it!"[1] Defense).
2a.  There isn't an email program alive which can do a "Reply" to an HTML
email properly.
2b. ...especially those which support VT-100 terminals.
3.  The lines are longer than 80 characters ;-).

I fall under category 2a, but my knee isn't jerking: If Outlook didn't
absolutely s*ck *ss at "editing" HTML I wouldn't care.

Gary R. Van Sickle
[1] Dana Carvey, Grumpy Old Man, SNL

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