I need some help understanding how RCS works. I typed
"info RCS" and felt confused.

Is RCS like CVS in the sense that one runs a un*x
deamon or windows service on a remote node and legions
of programmers use a client implemented with sockets
or pipes.

If so, (1) how do I start the service or deamon for

  (2) does RCS lock out other programmers while one 
works on a file or is RCS like CVS and everyone merges
their differences later?

Does cygwin include the CVS windows service? If so,
how do I start it up?

Can I assume that the CVS I see in the cygwin
documentation is the origional CVS ported to windows
and not CVSNT?

Are RCS and CVS the only open source programs for
source code control? What is SCCS? I believe that is a
propietary program and not avialable as open source.

How does one decide between using RCS and CVS? Are
they very similar?


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