What is the command to run the GUI GNU debugger? when
I type gdb test.exe I get the old command line
interface. How do I get the GUI? I have done a
(nearly) complete installation of cygwin. I only
omitted emacs, and perl and xemacs.

I explicitly downloaded insight seperately and had
troubles with that too, see my earler post. (gdb.exe
started the GUI interface, but it could not load the
source code file -- something to do with stat failing.
chmod 777 test.c did not help).


--- Arturus Magi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard Heintze wrote:
> > I remember running a GUI based source code
> debugger
> > for gcc. I was very impressed. Can anyone remind
> me of
> > the command I used to start it?
> What you're looking for is insight, and it is,
> AFAIK, part of the gdb 
> package.
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