
The problem goes away if I either

leave the -ffast-math flag out (and remove the flags that are implicitly set
by -fmath-math under the hood, i.e. -funsafe-math-optimizations
and -fno-trapping-math)

or leave the -mfpmath=sse flag out

or turn optimization off all-together (replace -On with -g)

Hope this narrows things down a bit!


Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Hans wrote:
>> Just to follow up on my earlier posting!
>> Could it be that I'm picking a stale g77 runtime lib?
> I don't think so, looks like a bug in the optimizer.
>> The problem doesn't happen if I replace -O6 with -g.
>> It ALSO goes away (with -O6) if I call fabs() instead of abs().
>> fabs() however is a C function, which I don't want rely on!
> There is a bug with optimization in 3.3.x.  Maybe there are more bugs
> in the optimizer, please try to figure out which flag triggers the
> error.
>> I've attached the output of cygcheck -s -v -r, if that's of any help.

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