"Brian Dessent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Alex Vinokur wrote:
> > bash-2.05b$ man bash
> > Warning: cannot open configuration file /usr/share/misc/man.conf
> > No manual entry for bash
> > bash-2.05b$
> Like I said, nothing is going to work until you fix your mounts.  I
> don't know what has changed on your system but your root "/" dir is
> mounted as "C:\cygwin\_download\001" which seems wrong unless your
> entire cygwin subtree is under that dir and not "c:\cygwin" which makes
> a lot more sense.

How can I fix that?

> Replying that "it used to work" is not going to fix anything.
> Brian


 Alex Vinokur
     email: alex DOT vinokur AT gmail DOT com

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