"Igor Pechtchanski" wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, Alex Vinokur wrote:
> > "Igor Pechtchanski" wrote:
> > [snip]
> > > 'mount' command, you can do something like
> > >
> > > mount -fst c:/cygwin /
> > > mount -fst c:/cygwin/bin /usr/bin
> > > mount -fst c:/cygwin/lib /usr/lib
> > >
> > [snip]
> >
> > There is some progress.
> > Thanks.
> >
> > After that I have all my aliases.
> > But here is what Cygwin concole shows.
> > ------------------------------------------
> > bash: kpsexpand: command not found  // it is not mine
> > Hello from Cygwin   // it is mine
> > ------------------------------------------
> Try 'bash --login -x -c "echo Hi" 2>&1 | grep kpsexpand'.  This should
> print out the line that invokes kpsexpand.  You can then use "less"
> instead of "grep" to find the relevant login script sequence and figure
> out which script contains that line.

$ bash --login -x -c "echo Hi" 2>&1 | grep kpsexpand

$ bash --login -x -c "echo Hi" 2>&1 | less kpsexpand
kpsexpand: No such file or directory

> > bash-2.05b$ cygcheck -srv > cygcheck.out    // cygcheck.out is attached
> FWIW, this sounds like something one of the tetex packages would do.  Is
> your tetex misconfigured somehow?

I don't know.

> Perhaps Jan could chime in.


 Alex Vinokur
     email: alex DOT vinokur AT gmail DOT com

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