>   [ ] Offended.  Think about the children!
>   [ ] Not offended.  Stop bothering me with your Puritanical values.
>   [ ] Don't care.  Can we go back to talking about how 
> negative this list is now?
>   [x] Not offended.  Clean it up anyway.  It's unprofessional 
> in the extreme and can only result in embarrassment and trouble.

Definitely rot13 them and make them -o.

I'd rather fortune was kept as a complete package rather than using
a separate package for the offensive stuff. If you want to create
another package with just tame stuff, that's OK. Maybe it should be
called enutrof. Or sbeghar. :-)

Make sure you rot13 fortune2-o while you're at it. It's currently
in plaintext, even though you need to specify -o or -a to add it
to the fortune list. I just rot13'd fortune2-o and limerick (i.e.,
limerick-o) on my work machine. I can't afford to have stuff like
that lying around for corporate snoops to find.


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