
I'm try to put a cygwin installation (not the installer; a full-blown installation) on CD. The basic idea is that I want to set up cygwin, put it on CD, and then by means of a batch file, have that CD act as a portable cygwin installation.

I've got most of it worked out, including mounting a writable /tmp directory. The one problem I can't get around is symlinks. No matter what I do, I can not get the cygwin symlinks to be preserved--for example, /usr/bin/latex.exe which is a symlink to tex.exe. The symlinks all show up on the CD as plain files. Trying to execute them gives an error from the 16-bit MS DOS subsystem.

I understand that I can just copy the executables over the symlinks to fix this problem, but that doesn't help with directory symlinks, for example. I just don't see a way around this. There has to be a way to do this, but I don't see it.

I've tried everything I can think of to write the CD including various windows utilities as well as making an image with mkisofs (with both joliet and rock ridge on).

From what I've read, it looks like the "system" attribute must be getting cleared in the process of going to CD. Is there any way to preserve it? Or is there any other way around this?

Thanks in advance,


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