> Could you please send the output of `cacls e:\' to
> the list?

With notraverse set, both a cygwin window and the 
dos window (produced with cmd from the run in the
start menu), give e:\ Everyone:<0I><CI>F

With traverse set, the cygwin window gives,
Access is denied.

while we still get "e:\ Everyone:<0I><CI>F" in the dos

Interestingly to me also, /cygwin/bin/df gives a
listing for e: in the dos window, and I can actually
cd to /cygdrive/e and get a listing (after going into
bash), this being at the same time as having no
listing or access in the cygwin window.  (Finding
this, I try typing \cygwin\cygwin in a dos window and
with so far very minimal testing appear to have use of
the cygwin environment (commands), with access to all
my drives, even though in a parallel window, e: is

In other words, cygwin appears to work properly when
started manually through a dos window, while not when
started by "clicking" on the cygwin icon. Hopefully
you may find this information useful.


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