> In other words, cygwin appears to work properly when
> started manually through a dos window, while not
> when started by "clicking" on the cygwin icon. 

Further info on this (I asked someone who knows
windows what a dos window was):

1) When the CYGWIN=traverse, in a window started with
cygwin.bat (from icon), df does not show e:, neither
can I get to it.

2) When a command prompt is started
(start->programs->accessories->Command Prompt), I can
get to e:, and do a dir, df does not show e:.  cacls
e: results in "e:\ Everyone:<0I.<CI>F". After a
/cygwin/cygwin, cacls e: gives "access denied".

3) when I type "cmd" in the "run box", I can start
\cygwin\cygwin within the resulting window, and
everything seems as normal.


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