Matt Olson wrote:
> Unfortunately, while "compile .o files with -mno-cygwin" fixes my toy
> example, it doesn't help the real code I'm trying to build:
> If the problem is object files being compiled without -mno-cygwin and
> linked with it, do I need to make sure that all of the (static?)
> libraries I link with are also compiled with -mno-cygwin?

Yes, that's no doubt what's going on. You are trying to link
some object files that depend on the Cygwin runtime library
and others that depend on the MinGW library. If you can, you
should choose one or the other entirely, which should resolve
your link issues.

If you're looking for some way to link some libraries that
depend on Cygwin and others that depend on MinGW, I have no
experience with that.


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