Kees Vonk wrote:

> When I start configure without the --without-authldap option I get the
> following error:
> checking for netinet/in.h... yes
> checking whether -lresolve is needed for res_query... configure: error:
> Cannot find function res_query

You lack the 'minires-devel' package most likely.

> However when I inlcude the --without-authldap option the first bit of
> configure seems to work, but them when it gets to libltdl it suddenly
> fails with:
> configure: error: invalid package name: authldap
> Can anyone tell me how to get around this? I can compile it on my linux
> box without a problem.

That sounds like maybe you have the switch spelled wrong.  Check the
output of "./configure --help" to see what the script accepts.

If that's not it and it's a libtool issue, it could be worth a try to
relibtoolize, or just autoreconf, the package to regenerate the
'configure' and 'libtool' (and possibly many other) files using Cygwin's
autoconf/libtool/automake.  You'll need the -devel versions of those
three packages.  "autoreconf --install --force --verbose" is often the
sledgehammer of first attack if a package won't build.  No guarantees
that this will help though.  It may take some digging around in the to see what's going on.


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